Friday, April 19, 2024


The project "STEM is EVERYWHERE" was aimed at to support 21st century competencies, develop students' scientific and creative thinking, problem-solving skills and adopt STEM disciplines as innovative and entrepreneurial.

This project was very great, creative and interesting. My students enjoyed doing all the assignments.
It was a great project! We communicated effectively and collaborated! I felt wonderful, both myself and the students involved! 

Interesting, fun and cognitive activities were selected, students worked on each task with enthusiasm, learned teamwork and respected the opinion of other students. Teachers participating in the project actively cooperated, shared experience.

We were happy to participate in the project with my students.  Thanks for the opportunity! I would like to thank the leaders of the project. this project is very creative and interesting. this project helped students develop research, in the development of innovative thinking.

In the project we did coding studies, catapults, balloon cars, snake experiment, rocket design, spinning tops from waste materials have been carried out and continue to be done.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

,,Origami in the Future in my Mind'' - PROJECT DİSSEMİNATİON STUDİES

With this project, we worked on how we could evaluate our potential in order to build the future in line with children's dreams. In addition, mathematical thinking and reasoning skills enabled students to engage in mental activities to think about, comment on, and find solutions to the difficulties they faced not only in mathematics lessons but also in their daily lives. We saw it by doing it and experiencing it.
We had received our parental permission certificates for our Origami in the Future in My Mind eTwinning project.

eTwinning პროექტში ,,Origami in the Future in my Mind'' , ჩვენ წარმატებით ჩავრთეთ ჩვენი სტუდენტების თანამშრომლობით და თამაშზე დაფუძნებულ სასწავლო აქტივობებში ორიგამის ხელოვნების გარშემო. ცხოველებისა და მცენარეების შექმნით, ჩვენმა სტუდენტებმა გამოიკვლიეს გლობალური დათბობისა და კლიმატის კრიზისის გავლენა ბუნებრივ სამყაროზე, წამოიწყეს დისკუსიები პოტენციურ ზომებზე, რომლებიც შეიძლება იქნას მიღებული ამ საკითხების გადასაჭრელად.


We created animals. trees, clothes and vehicles , imagined the future, what it would be like and wondered what we should do to make it better?

ჩვენ შევქმენით ცხოველები, ხეები, ტანსაცმელი, სატრასპორტო საშუალებები და წარმოვადგინეთ მომავალი, თუ როგორი იქნება ის და დავინტერესდით, რა უნდა გავაკეთოთ, რომ ის უკეთესი იყოს?

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and students who have contributed to the success of the "Origami in the Future in My Mind" project, and we look forward to continued collaboration.
ჩვენ გულწრფელ მადლობა ვუხდით ყველა მასწავლებელსა და სტუდენტს, რომლებმაც წვლილი შეიტანეს პროექტის ,,Origami in the Future in my Mind'' წარმატებაში.